Cara Install Google Toolbar di Internet Explorer
Setiap komputer yang menggunakan Operating System Windows, sudah pasti memiliki Internet Explorer karena Internet Explorer adalah bawaan default dari Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 atau Windows 8. Walaupun Internet Explorer atau IE terdapat dalam program komputer kita, kita jarang menggunakannya karena masih ada media browser yang lain yang lebih bagus dan lebih cepat ketimbang IE seperti Google Chrome atau Mozilla Firefox.
Hari ini saya akan memberikan sebuah tips kepada sobat blogger tentang Cara Install Google Toolbar di Internet Explorer 9. Tips ini sengaja saya berikan, supaya sobat blogger bisa menggunakan atau memfungsikan Internet Explorer yang sobat blogger miliki. Satu hal lagi point positif yang bisa sobat blogger dapatkan dari memasang Google Toolbar yaitu sobat blogger bisa melakukan optimasi blog sobat blogger.
Cara Install Google Toolbar di Internet Explorer 9 :
- Kunjungi laman
- Baca dulu Google Terms of Service
- Di bagian Configure your search settings, kasih tanda centang pada Set Google as default search in Internet Explorer and notify me of changes dan Set my home page to Google
- Selanjutnya klik tombol Accept dan Install
- Sebuah jendela baru muncul, artinya proses download Google Toolbar sedang berlangsung. Tunggu beberapa menit.
- Jendela Baru kembali muncul yaitu Google Toolbar Notifier. Kasih tanda centang pada Change To Google dan prevent programs from suggesting change to my default search provider lalu klik Ok.
- Untuk ke tiga kalinya, jendela baru muncul kembali, klik Restart Now
- Kalau ada muncul permintaan seperti gambar di bawah ini, klik Close All Tabs
- Klik Enabe pada bagian bawah media browser Internet Explorer sobat.
Dari bagian atas akan muncul sebuah notifikasi seperti ini :
Discover and share cool stuff with Google Related and +1's in Toolbar! Share cool stuff with +1's in Toolbar! Discover and share cool stuff with Google Related in Toolbar!
Google Related shows you useful, interesting content while you browse the web. When you're surfing with Related, you'll often see a thin bar along the bottom of your screen that offers videos, maps, reviews and other content that's relevant to that page.
In addition, anytime you've found something you like, share it with your friends using the +1 button on your toolbar. You can manage your +1's in a new tab on your Google profile ( You can show your +1's tab to the world, or keep it private and just use it to personally manage the ever-expanding record of things you love around the web. Click the +1 button to publicly give a webpage your stamp of approval. Your +1's can help friends and others on the web find the best stuff when they search. You'll also be able to share your +1's on Google+ publicly or with your circles.
You can manage your +1's in a new tab on your Google profile ( You can show your +1's tab to the world, or keep it private and just use it to personally manage the ever-expanding record of things you love around the web. Google Related shows you useful, interesting content while you browse the web. When you're surfing with Related, you'll often see a thin bar along the bottom of your screen that offers videos, maps, reviews and other content that's relevant to that page.
Do you want to enable current enhanced features including Google Related and the +1 button, and also future enhanced features provided by Google Toolbar?
Do you want to enable current enhanced features including Google Related, and also future enhanced features provided by Google Toolbar?
Do you want to enable current enhanced features including the +1 button, and also future enhanced features provided by Google Toolbar?
Please note, this isn't the usual yada yada:If you enable enhanced features, the URLs, latency, and other information about the sites you visit will be sent to Google. We use this data to track site characteristics and usage in order to improve many of our products. Some enhanced features like +1 also associate this data with your Google account. Learn more about managing enhanced features. (Privacy Policy)
- Klik Enabe Enhanced Features
Selamat menikmati Google Toolbar di Internet Explorer
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